Player Conduct Update

Posted by Matt Day on 7 February 2017

To all Club UDOs, Club Captains/Chairperson and Club Secretaries

At a recent Committee Meeting of Devon Hockey Umpires Association we agreed to circulate all Clubs with some concerns that have been reported by umpires. All Club UDOs and DHUA umpires will have received an email on 10th January from the DHUA Chief Coach with a link to the EH “Respect” document.

Our first concern is what appears to be an increasing level of unacceptable dissent, backchat and questioning of umpires usually regarding the decisions being made. This often deteriorates into sarcastic comments with negative forms of body language that undermine an umpire’s ability to manage a game effectively and of course to enjoy the game with the players.

Incidental examples of dissent are easily managed but a constant level of muttering and negative comment is more difficult to pin down and can have a very negative impact upon the game for all concerned.

At the start of most games umpires will remind captains that they are responsible for the conduct and behaviour of their own players. It is imperative that captains both model acceptable behaviour and carry out their duties as a captain supportively and promptly.

Umpires are usually willing to respond to a polite query for clarification but, of course, cannot enter into any further discussion while the game is in progress.

We would expect our umpires to consult when player responses indicate a possible decision error. Our increasing use of headsets helps in this respect. Even without the benefit of headsets, we expect colleagues to cooperate to ensure that decisions are as fair and accurate as possible.

At the end of the day there will be errors or situations where players feel aggrieved. However, by allowing things to fester this will only cause further problems. If teams have any major issues of concern regarding the umpiring of a game then we ask that due process is followed and use is made of the feedback report on the website or a report is forwarded to DHUA Chief Coach (Peter Hammond)or Chairman of Selection and Coaching Committee (Keith Dingle).

Our second concern is that there is evidence of an increase in the number of incidents being experienced where umpires are hearing unacceptable comments and abusive language from spectators watching the games.(Spectators include team coaches, squad players and other club players arriving to play in the next game and team supporters)

Some language has been foul and unacceptable comments have been directed at the umpires. In other incidences comments have been directed at opposition players causing them upset.

The responsibility of umpiring is challenging enough without the burden of additional comments and abuse from those on the sidelines.

There are reported incidents of unacceptable language being used at times when there are parents with young children within earshot. Some teams have Under 18 players involved and we all have a duty of care in ensuring that their experience is positive and a responsibility to set a good example for our sport.

It is important for Clubs and Players to realise that if umpires do not enjoy their game then there is a real danger that they will stop umpiring and as a consequence the impact upon Devon Hockey will be felt by all.

Remember umpires enjoy hockey as leisure pursuit just like the players. If you don’t enjoy it you stop doing it!

Actions for Clubs:

* Set a club/team target…no more cards for dissent this season

(If a player receives a personal penalty for dissent does the Club take any further disciplinary action?)

* Police your sidelines…take action yourselves in eradicating poor behaviours from those on the sidelines

* Captains…take responsibility for your team’s conduct and act before the umpire has to do so

* Demonstrate good sportsmanship and appreciation of your umpires

Can we please ask that all Clubs consider these issues very carefully and ensure that they are appropriately addressed so that the second half of the season is an enjoyable experience for all involved in hockey in Devon.

Action for Umpires:

Devon HUA has a process of monitoring umpire performance and providing mentor support. We are doing all we can to raise the standard of umpiring in Devon. We encourage umpires to reflect on their own performance and to work cooperatively with his/her colleague on the day.

Umpires will be reminded to apply the guidance given in dealing with dissent and inappropriate behaviour. (See EH ‘Respect’ Document)


This is a mid-season evaluation. As a committee we decided that we should bring these matters to the attention of all clubs and umpires. We must all work together to address them and take responsibility for eradicating these negative experiences from Devon’s hockey matches.

It is important to point out that the vast majority of games are played in good spirit and enjoyed by all concerned. May we thank all those Clubs who set a good example in terms of support, hospitality and sporting behaviour. This is very much appreciated.

We look forward to an end of season evaluation and noting that these issues have been addressed.

Bob Whitell

President DHUA


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